“I am a new teacher”
Like a growing number of people, I use the Nextdoor network to keep tabs with my neighborhood news. Last week among the posts about lost pets (including a parakeet and a turtle), new restaurants in the area and other neighborhood happenings was a post titled “I am a new teacher.”
Her requests were simple and straightforward
She asked for advice and tips from any veteran teachers in in the area. She wanted to know about the most affordable places to get supplies and decorations for her classroom. She wanted to hear from parents about their hopes for their children this school year.
What happened next was a little bit of magic. Teachers in the neighborhood responded with lots of practical advice and tips including helpful books, classroom management tricks and techniques, and sources for free instructional materials. The suggestions were authentic and heartfelt… everything from “wear comfortable shoes” to “buy Airborne” and community members rallied to offer bins, supplies, and even cupcakes for the faculty. Several people volunteered to help her get her classroom ready before students arrive for the first day of school.
The point? New teachers need a community of support and encouragement and as education marketers, that’s worth knowing. Another take away? Teachers were the first to jump in and help a colleague succeed. That’s one more proud reflection on the work and commitment of educators everywhere. And yes, it’s nice to see social media used, well, socially and collegially.
To all of my friends and colleagues who work in the education market, we are lucky. We work with teachers and administrators who truly want to make a difference for students. Just sayin’…